This section is under construction. We have listed this in the interim to provide a download source for the freeware Spectrogram 16.
Sharpening K3/K3s Filter Skirts: Benefits of Sharp Skirts - Some Urban Myths about Skirts - Alignment procedure - Download Freeware Spectrogram 16.
To perform alignment, you will need some spectrum display program capable of displaying the envelope of noise in the K3 audio passband. If you do not, Spectrogram freeware version 16.0 by Visualization Software LLC can be downloaded from this web site. Detailed instructions will be using Spectrogram 16 Free.
The pane at left is from a running Spectrogram 16 installed from the download below, banner line: Help>About Spectrogram.
At this writing, Visualization Software LLC (VS) has no active link fields in their web page. The upgrade link in the pane does not go to a download point. Contacts do not exist. The latest page date is 2014. Sadly, VS would seem to be out of business. Version 16.0 is the last known version, but for the filter alignment required for sound stage diversity, it works well without bugs. If you have more recent information on VS please notify peerreview[at]k2av[dot]com . Unless and until VS resurfaces, we will provide a source for their freeware version:
Download Spectrogram freeware version 16.0 by Visualization Software LLC
K3/K3s Equipment Prerequisites for Sound Stage Diversity
Under Construction
Filter Alignment Procedure Under Construction
Sound Stage Diversity for K3/K3s with SubRX - Using your brain's ability to pick out a voice in a crowded room to pick out weak signals in a pile up - Set up your K3/K3s with SubRX equipped with matching CW roofing filters to create 180° sound stage diversity. Skirt alignment above is a prerequisite.