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  • K2AV Snips, Antennas & Subjects NOT Listed Below    Index to web site content not directly involved with FCP+.

  • Home FCP+ (No-Frame)    Go to Home Page of with frames turned off. Contains basic FCP diagram, listing of various details, and outline of a program to reduce RF loss (the "+" in FCP+).
  • Tech Briefing on FCP    A one-page technical briefing on the FCP and the reasons for using one.
  • The Loss List - Your Shrinking RF & Fixes    A long list of RF loss problems and their fixes from a decade of L/FCP installation experience. Detecting and fixing whichever at a given FCP site is the "+" in FCP+.
  • Only One dB? Who cares? You Do!    Why care about a collection of small RF loss issues? These are put in the same context as amplifiers to quantify what is at stake.
  • You, Loud as K2AV? You Certainly CAN Be.    How to decide on an FCP or not. Explained in a decade-long history of FCP and related TX antenna improvements at K2AV, and their effect on contest scores at K2AV.
  • FCP Story, 2012 NCJ  (PDF)   From the May, June 2012 ARRL National Contest Journal, how the FCP came to be, and the earliest FCP explanations and instructions. Always get your instructions and specifications from the current There have been over ten years of field experience, issues with solutions, revisions, and altogether new material since the NCJ article was written in 2011. The PDF cannot be updated.

    ---- Planning ----

  • Place an FCP    FCP support, routing and placement with implementation details. Details good and bad "bends" in an FCP. Know possible FCP placement(s) before you decide on where to put an inverted L.
  • Why Use an Isolation Transformer (IsoT)?     Response to early controversy about using an IsoT to feed an L over FCP. Introduction to the isolation transformer that explains non-intuitive reasons for not using common ham ferrite "baluns" with an FCP.
  • Design/Place an Inv L    Hopefully before earlier decisions remove possibilities, explore an L's possible orientation, support, counterpoise, other issues, and fit a solution to your specific site situation.
  • DIY: Winding an IsoT    The "what", "why", "which", "how" and "verify" of IsoT construction.
  • Why do IsoT That Way    Direct link to that content in the "DIY Winding IsoT" article.
  • IsoT Construction Options    Direct link to the options segment of the "DIY Winding IsoT" article.
  • Field Adjustable IsoT -- Match by Turns Ratio    Direct link to the adjustable turns ratio IsoT segment of the "Winding IsoT" article.
  • FCP "+" Project    Direct link to the FCP+ portion of Home FCP+.
  • 65+ Tower L Bend    For situations where L bend support by a tower is necessary, loss mitigation measure for towers 65 feet (20m) and higher.
  • 60- Tower L Bend    For situations where L bend support by a tower is necessary, loss mitigation measure for towers 60 feet (18m) and lower.
  • 160/80 on One L/FCP     How to add excellent 80m operation to a working, satisfactory 160m L/FCP, no changes to the aerial wire.
  • 160/80/40 Trident/FCP    How to add excellent 80m and dipole equivalent 40m operation to a working, satisfactory 160m L/FCP. Adds a wire at the bend of 160m InvL/FCP.
  • Side-feed the FCP    How to feed power to a single band L/FCP via the loop in the three wire end of the FCP instead of at the junction of FCP and aerial wire. This can allow the center of the FCP to be suspended at elevation without anything below when the usual center feed is not desirable for whatever reason.

    - Construction -

  • Materials    A prepandemic listing of FCP/L materials and sources, mostly USA. Will be updated when sources and supply chains reliably stabilize.
  • FCP    Construction section reference to the "Place an FCP" article which contains construction details.
  • Winding the IsoT    Direct link to the construction section of the "Winding IsoT" article.
  • Connecting the IsoT    Direct link to the portion of the "Winding IsoT" article with instructions on connecting an IsoT to avoid recently solved issues with reversed L and FCP connections.
  • 160+80 on One L/FCP    Direct link to the construction details of the 160/80 L/FCP.

    ----- Tuning -----

  • Taming/Tuning the Exasperating Inv L & other Aerials over an FCP    Never adjust an FCP to tune the antenna system. Instead this article covers a range of information and techniques to "tame" what for some had been an exasperating experience.
  • Beware using SWR    An instrument displaying R and signed X needs to be used for tuning an L/FCP. Explains how dipping with SWR can cause false tunings. Part of the Taming/Tuning article.
  • 160+80 on One L/FCP    Mostly a warning to get 160m done and satisfactory before tuning 80m.

    ---- About Us ----

  • W0UCE(SK)    K2AV's Dr. Watson and dear departed friend. Contributed so very much to the content of this web site.
  • Committee & RRRRR    The "Roughly Raleigh Rowdy Radio Researchers" and "The Committee".
  • Navigating this Site    
  • Contact Us    
  • - V.2023.09.20 -    Link takes you to reverse-date listing of updates since November 2019.

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